Sunday, November 29, 2009


What up

Hello happy readers, this blog is a special blog. It's my tenth blog!!!!!!!!!!!!
hooray hooray

Went snowboarding in Lake Louise it was amazing you can check out my vids.
Went to the Post for diner which was amazing as well
did a 360 on my back (it was an accident but it still counts)
Snowboarding rulez!
I have a sweet blue snowboard that is awesome
got some sweet new goggles too so ya

Had brunch this morning, Brunch Rulez!!!!!
Had some good stuff. Yay for brunch
Brunch has to be the best meal, well the best combination of two meals.

Grey Cup is today GO RIDERS!!
I don't really care for CFL but I have to cheer for someone.
It's gonna be fun

cause suits R cool

Signed JT

Monday, November 23, 2009


So my birthday was Legendary!!!!!

My cake said Happy Birthday Swarley so ya that was awesome.

Went to the mall and got a Grande Mocha

Found the Bro on the Go Book and it is awesome

Haven't bloged in a while (been busy)

I have a new ipod with video and totally woke up to You Give Love a Bad Name Bon Jovi
really loudly this morning.

Thanks for voting and I have decided to go Roller Discoing for my birthday not sure when

Weenmas is almost over, glad you asked: Weenmas is the time after halloween when you can't talk about christmas yet. (It ends somewhere around American thanksgiving (*pfft* american thanksgiving) who has thanksgiving in november real thanksgiving was like a month ago)
I'm not sure if you're allowed to put brackets within brackets but that's just how I roll. I'm crazy like that.

Stay awesome and SUIT UP!!!!

signed JT

Friday, November 13, 2009

Laser Tag

Hey people,

What up?

Can't decide what to do for my birthday so you're going to help me:
vote for what is the funnest laser tag, roller disco, hangin around at a coffee house, swimming, or going to a movie theatre.

Personally I think laser taging would be sweet. My name would be The Commadore.we're definitely going to a coffee shop so yay for that. Gonna order a Double-shot half caf, mocha latte extra creame hold the whip. It will be good

Going to go play some basketball today. It will be sweet.

Not much else to say so stay tuned and SUIT UP!!

Signed JT

Saturday, November 7, 2009

kill 2 birds with one stone

Hey viewers

Today I thought I would kill two birds with one stone so instead of doing a long word and a phobia I thought I would do a long phobia you're gonna love the irony of this.

hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia: the fear of long words, what is the irony of that.

So, My poll turned out alright. I can see my fans love me. Abe Lincoln was a close second I mean Him and his sweet beard, Anakin and Tom tied for last, (I'm too hot for them.)

My goal is to one day blog 100 times, this will be my 7th so i'm getting there.

I'm going to tell you a story.
"The world absolutely needs woo-girls. If there were no woo-girls, there’d be no Girls Gone Wild. No bachelorette parties. No Las Vegas poolside bars. All the things that you hold dearest, would be gone. The souvenir shot glass industry would collapse. So would the body glitter industry. And the stretch hummer rental industry. Tiny cowboy hats…would be worn only…by tiny cowboys. And when “Brown Eyed Girl” would come up on the jukebox, all you would hear, would be silence. And “Brown Eyed Girl”. But who would woo? Who. Would. Woo. Would you? Would you? Woo?" - Barney stinson

This is a beautiful story and very true so next time you think those woo girls are annoying think... would you woo too?

Remember: SUIT UP!!!!

Signed JT