What came first; the chicken or the egg?
I know we're all thinking it so I guess I have to be the one to say it:
I think we all have more important things to worry about than the origin of a species that happened millions of years ago (probably).
Now on to more important business: Greeting a bro. Now when greeting a bro you can always spice it up and break the ice by incorporating the word "Bro" into the name of a famous person.... for example: Lebronardo Da Vinci, Nabrolean, Christbropher Brolumbus, Abroham Lincoln, Brohammad Ali, Charlie Brown. OK that last one I didn't have to change but you get the point. This is most easily done with names that have long O sounds.
Now there is only one rule to this phenomenon.... no Republican Vice Presidents...
I know, I know you're like "what? why?" Don't look at me I don't make the rules.....well in this case I guess I do.
So no Theodore Brosevelt, no Garret Brobart, no Schuyler Brolfax. You get the picture.......sorry one more: Spibro Agnew. OK now I'm done.
This will catch on... I've got a list going of famous Bros so I've got tons I can roll out at any time.
Yes people this is my 30th blog which means I'm 30% of the way to my goal: 100 blogs.
That's right I did that math in my head.
I'll leave you with these inspirational words: some say the glass is half empty, but I'm an optimist so I say Are you going to drink that?