Wednesday, April 21, 2010


It's not that I have ADD it's just that, HOLY CRAP A BUNNY RABBIT

Seriously Look it's a bunny rabbit.

Did you know that there are more chickens than people in the world?
Seriously that's like more than 8 billion chickens.

A Tiger can breed 75 times a day when the female is in heat. I bet not even
Tiger Woods could do that.

Get it Tiger

My Grandparents just returned from a cruise, apparently it was awesome. It sounded fun.

Remember; Seriously what is up with that bunny?

Signed JT

Monday, April 12, 2010

Weekend at Bernie's II

So I watched Weekend at Bernie's II, it wasn't as good as the first one because they had some weird voodoo stuff going on. It was weird but still funny.

Totally went Laser taging this weekend and it was awesome. In the area where you put your vests on Master Cheif is on the wall and so is Neo from the Matrix.

We went to West Edmonton Mall a couple weeks ago and it was pretty fun, we saw Shutter Island; it was creepy and didn't make alot of sense. I also bought a new shirt, it's pretty sweet.

My Dad sent an awesome sweater to me, it reads: SUIT UP because tonight will be LEGENDARY. It's awesome thanks Dad.

My friend Chase came over this weekend and we did lots of things, including laser tag (see paragraph 2).

Twas awesome,
Signed JT

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) :) :)

Don't use exclamation points or emoticons in e-mails, or really anywhere for that matter. Here's why; it's stupid.(except in blogs)

When you celebrate some one's birthday it shouldn't be any different than your average Tuesday. I mean sure you loved birthdays, the excitement, the presents, those cool point hats....then you turned twelve. Seriously it's all downhill from there.

Did you know that if you cook chicken at 650 degrees it burns through the tin foil and catches fire? Hah, Classic.

So I guess I'm going to have to cheer for Vancouver in the playoffs since Calgary and Anaheim are out. I mean who's more Canadian than the Canucks. and if you say the Montreal Canadians I will seriously......Blog furiously about it.

Remember the 80's TV show with Neil Patrick Harris...Doogie Howser? Great show, he is so young there, AND HE HAS A BLOG it's a personal journal on the computer but still. Good show.

If you aren't reading this seriously, start reading my blog.

Just remember...Butterflies taste with their feet.
Suit Up.
Hah, Classic

Signed JT