Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lunar Eclipse

Last night there was a lunar eclipse and it was epic.It started just before midnight and I stayed up to watch it. I kinda gave up and went to bed at 1:11 but I got the just of it. Here's some pictures I took of it:

It was pretty awesome, anyway that's about all... It's pretty boring around here. I'm sure things will pick up... eventually

Signed, JT

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Well I guess I should really blog more...

It's been a long time since I last posted and I'm sure no one really noticed... Or cared but I shouldn't let my intellect go to waste, I should really share with all of you.... Both of you...

So I got some awesome new games for my birthday and if you really don't care for video games you should really scroll down. I got the new Goldeneye 007 game and it was pretty awesome, except for the annoyingly short campaign, and the fact that if the title of the game is Goldeneye it should really be Pierce Brosnan... But it's Daniel Craig.... Ok, nobody's going to notice that. And yes, I'm pronouncing it Bro-snan. But overall it's a pretty good game, and the AK47 no longer looks like a pencil... Like in the old one.... What was up with that?

Next I got Call Of Duty: Black Ops, and yes it's as awesome as everyone says it is and there is absolutely nothing bad I can say about it... Except for the climbing animation... It's better in Goldeneye.

And finally I got Monster Hunter Tri, the best graphics for any game on Wii. And I've got to say for the little I've played it I'm impressed... I cant compare it to the other two because they're first person shooter games and this is an RPG but the story seems solid and the graphics are amazing... When I get tired of Black Ops I could probably play it for hours.

Well if you enjoyed my blog being turned into an online nerd critique then there's probably something wrong with you ...

That's all for now so remember...
There's better things you could be doing right now.

Signed, JT