Break Dancin is awesome. Especially since I totally dominated the breakdancing competition last night. It was epic. I beat some grade 12's who were doing backflips so just imagine the show I had to put on to win.
My large word of the day is: PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS (45 letters; a lung disease caused by breathing in certain particles) is the longest word in any English Language dictionary. (It is also spelled -koniosis.) wow
My weird phobia for today is Politicophobia- Fear or abnormal dislike of politicians.
You know those politicians. They can be really scary (especially bush)
Totally Flight suited up for halloween it was sweet. Also got highlights and I might say they look sweet.
My new Poll is who is the coolest; don't forget to vote for JT he rules.
Yes that is me but still vote for me.
Flight Suit Up!!
Signed JT
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