Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Success, impressive achievement, especially the attainment of fame, wealth, or power. I've been having a pretty sweet week so far. I've had some impressive achievements attaining fame, power and ...... ok not much going on in the wealth area of things but you know how the economy is. I got voted vice pres of my 4-H club, sweet! my current mark in Math is 100% nice! and......ok still no wealth but that's ok.

You may have noticed a poll on the top right hand corner of this webpage. Who would win in a fight? Obviously flubber is in the lead because of its awesome dance skills and flubberiness. Plus its basicaly ninja jello so it can't be destroyed.

Blogging is one of my new favorite pastimes now so you might wan't to be a follower if you want to keep up. I'll give a shout out to Joel for being my first and only follower so far thanks Joel. To become a follower you just need to press the large Follow button on the right side of the page then I'm guessing it let's you know when I update my blog.

Thanksgiving was good, ate lots. Halloween is the next holiday coming up and so i'm pretty stoked i'm probably going to Flight Suit Up!! It's going to be pretty sweet.

I hope everyone had a good day at school and wasn't too confused because it was monday schedule not a wednesday ha ha ( it's funny because it's the same schedule)

Remember: Vote Flubber Stay Awesome and most important: Say No to plumping!

Signed JT


  1. JT!!! I can't believe you didn't mention your AWESOME President to whom you bow down to. Watch your step mister or I'm gonna have to keep you in line.

    PS your blog is pretty awesome

  2. yeah totally awesome pres
    PS thx
