Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Holidays

What up people of cyberspace

It's the most wonderful time of the year, (except labour day of course)

In two days you will be waking up your parents at 6:00 and rummaging through your stockings like the excited little kid you are. Don't forget to drink some eggnog, YAY FOR EGGNOG, also wear a cool Santa hat and an ugly Christmas sweater.

Santa, oh what a jolly old chap, Some skinny businessman all year round until one day he hops into his sleigh and goes and steals cookies from kids all over the world...mwahahahahahahhah. sorry got a little carried away there.

I went sledding behind my quad today it was epic. Me and my sister went up and down the driveway, it was cold but it was still fun, one could almost say it was hmm what's the word I'm looking for? LEGENDARY

Mad Libs is a fun activity...I mean you hear people say random jiberjaber that really doesn't make any sense, for example:
"Ouch!" he said stupidly as he jumped into his convertible cat and drove off with his purple wife.
Yay for not making sense!!

I mean if you want to make people think you're weird there are many things you can do, like if you were to scream out EGGNOG in the middle of nowhere, then someone just looks over at you just sitting at the computer and wonder why you just screamed "eggnog" (that was a hint to yell out eggnog right now it would be funny)

Well people.. stay awesome and SUIT UP

signed JT

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Definitely finished my christmas shoping today, you better get yours done because it's only 2 weeks till christmas. Hurry up!

Old Buisness:
My poll has closed with 2 votes for spring and one for summer, no surprises there.

Went curling yesterday won 2 games out of 3. It was fun.

thought you should know.

on to new buisness:

Have you been awesome lately?
4 out of 5 dentists recommend being awesome at least 15 times a day, if you have back problems, are pregnant, have heart or lung disease or any other serious health problems please consult your doctor or reduce awesomeness to every 2 hours.

Going to lake louise for new years it's gonna be Legen wait for it...........
I forgot the last part

it's dinkleman, dusty dinkleman......DINKLEMAN.

Just friends.....good movie.

Check out my new gadgets like fish and Christmas countdown.

Alright...Suit up, drink milk and stay awesome.


Saturday, December 5, 2009


Snow sucks...........

just pointing out the obvious but just thought you should know.

It's this crappy white stuff that falls from the sky and piles up on the road so you can't go anywhere and it sucks.

Went riding today it was fun, my horse is awesome.

Decorated my tree yesterday it was fun.

I've watched some new movies lately and thought you should know what I thought about them;

Night at the Museum 2: It was good especially since the guy who does most of the Simpson voices was in it.

Star Trek: The new one, don't think I just got to them now........ok I haven't seen the old ones yet. It was good filled with action yet funny at the same time.

Pretty good movies.

I noticed I didn't give a shout out to some of my followers, like my Mom and Ashley
sorry about that guys but better late then never. Also Alex joined my blog so thanks for that, you are now officially awesome.

New poll; which season is the best. I'm gonna guess that nobody is gonna vote for winter because it isn't that much fun but you never know so start voting.

Stay Awesome

Signed JT

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas Spirit

What up?

Got to get in the christmas spirit so go wear an ugly sweater drink some eggnog and go buy me something expensive.

My heating has been out so when the electrician was here I couldn't blog so
just so you know.

My moms birthday was yesterday so..........................
congrats on turning 27 ; )

Have some new followers:
shout out to Shelby & Joel thx guys
Joel is already a follower but loved my blog so much he had to be one again.

I hope some more people are reading this so if you are become a follower because then you will be cool.

My poll is closed and it seems that how i met your mother is the all time best show ever (which) it is so ya

Keep reading my blog

Stay awesome and .......................
anyone anyone
wait for it

SUIT UP!!!!!

Signed JT

Sunday, November 29, 2009


What up

Hello happy readers, this blog is a special blog. It's my tenth blog!!!!!!!!!!!!
hooray hooray

Went snowboarding in Lake Louise it was amazing you can check out my vids.
Went to the Post for diner which was amazing as well
did a 360 on my back (it was an accident but it still counts)
Snowboarding rulez!
I have a sweet blue snowboard that is awesome
got some sweet new goggles too so ya

Had brunch this morning, Brunch Rulez!!!!!
Had some good stuff. Yay for brunch
Brunch has to be the best meal, well the best combination of two meals.

Grey Cup is today GO RIDERS!!
I don't really care for CFL but I have to cheer for someone.
It's gonna be fun

cause suits R cool

Signed JT

Monday, November 23, 2009


So my birthday was Legendary!!!!!

My cake said Happy Birthday Swarley so ya that was awesome.

Went to the mall and got a Grande Mocha

Found the Bro on the Go Book and it is awesome

Haven't bloged in a while (been busy)

I have a new ipod with video and totally woke up to You Give Love a Bad Name Bon Jovi
really loudly this morning.

Thanks for voting and I have decided to go Roller Discoing for my birthday not sure when

Weenmas is almost over, glad you asked: Weenmas is the time after halloween when you can't talk about christmas yet. (It ends somewhere around American thanksgiving (*pfft* american thanksgiving) who has thanksgiving in november real thanksgiving was like a month ago)
I'm not sure if you're allowed to put brackets within brackets but that's just how I roll. I'm crazy like that.

Stay awesome and SUIT UP!!!!

signed JT

Friday, November 13, 2009

Laser Tag

Hey people,

What up?

Can't decide what to do for my birthday so you're going to help me:
vote for what is the funnest laser tag, roller disco, hangin around at a coffee house, swimming, or going to a movie theatre.

Personally I think laser taging would be sweet. My name would be The Commadore.we're definitely going to a coffee shop so yay for that. Gonna order a Double-shot half caf, mocha latte extra creame hold the whip. It will be good

Going to go play some basketball today. It will be sweet.

Not much else to say so stay tuned and SUIT UP!!

Signed JT

Saturday, November 7, 2009

kill 2 birds with one stone

Hey viewers

Today I thought I would kill two birds with one stone so instead of doing a long word and a phobia I thought I would do a long phobia you're gonna love the irony of this.

hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia: the fear of long words, what is the irony of that.

So, My poll turned out alright. I can see my fans love me. Abe Lincoln was a close second I mean Him and his sweet beard, Anakin and Tom tied for last, (I'm too hot for them.)

My goal is to one day blog 100 times, this will be my 7th so i'm getting there.

I'm going to tell you a story.
"The world absolutely needs woo-girls. If there were no woo-girls, there’d be no Girls Gone Wild. No bachelorette parties. No Las Vegas poolside bars. All the things that you hold dearest, would be gone. The souvenir shot glass industry would collapse. So would the body glitter industry. And the stretch hummer rental industry. Tiny cowboy hats…would be worn only…by tiny cowboys. And when “Brown Eyed Girl” would come up on the jukebox, all you would hear, would be silence. And “Brown Eyed Girl”. But who would woo? Who. Would. Woo. Would you? Would you? Woo?" - Barney stinson

This is a beautiful story and very true so next time you think those woo girls are annoying think... would you woo too?

Remember: SUIT UP!!!!

Signed JT

Friday, October 30, 2009

Break Dancin

Break Dancin is awesome. Especially since I totally dominated the breakdancing competition last night. It was epic. I beat some grade 12's who were doing backflips so just imagine the show I had to put on to win.

My large word of the day is: PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS (45 letters; a lung disease caused by breathing in certain particles) is the longest word in any English Language dictionary. (It is also spelled -koniosis.) wow

My weird phobia for today is Politicophobia- Fear or abnormal dislike of politicians.
You know those politicians. They can be really scary (especially bush)

Totally Flight suited up for halloween it was sweet. Also got highlights and I might say they look sweet.

My new Poll is who is the coolest; don't forget to vote for JT he rules.
Yes that is me but still vote for me.

Flight Suit Up!!

Signed JT

Friday, October 23, 2009


Sup People

If i could learn to speak another language i think it would be Latin. That would be a cool language to know. I only know one phrase in latin and that is "Braccae tuae aperiuntur" Which means your fly is open. That's a good phrase to know.

My new large word is arbitrage it is the process of buying things, especially currencies or company shares, in one place and selling them in another at the same time for profit. I now expect you all to use this word in your everyday language.

Phobias are weird things you know, i mean they're irrational and we're just human but some of them are just silly. aulophobia the fear of flutes. Who's afraid of flutes i mean i could understand a tuba they're kinda scary, but a flute. papaphobia scared of the pope, i mean his hat is kinda scary but still. and what about arachibutyrophobia the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. Wow there are some weird phobia's.

Well that's just about all I know for today, don't forget to vote for pepsi or coke.

Signed JT

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Hey everybody

My large word for today is: sphygmomanometer it is an instrument for measuring blood pressure in the arteries. Well what do you know.

Ah the circle theory, probably one of my greater accomplishments in life. It's a mathematical discovery unknown to man thus far. It states that when you're finding the surface area of two composite objects and the smaller one is a cylinder, you don't need to find the surface area of the two circles on the end. You're just going to subtract them after anyway.
I'm guessing I lost you when I said the word composite so basically it's just a bunch of jiberjabber made up to make me sound smart.

I'd like to give a shout out to Mac for joining my blog, thanks. Keep using your Mac , Mac.

As you can see there is a new poll: what is better coke or pepsi. My thoughts are coke is better, but that's just a personal choice.

Did you know that if you spell race car backward it is race car. I know someone is going to argue that it is rac ecar but if you shove it together into one word it works. So ha.

If this blog didn't make you laugh start laghing anyway (loudly) it will be amusing for the people around you.

Chase if you didn't notice I tried my best to punctuate. Also I used CAPITALS so ha there you go.
Stay awesome everybody.
Signed JT

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Gimme Five!

That's right people of earth who own computers gimme five is back. The old saying when you wanted a high five is now back in action. Alot of old fads should be brought back like the yo-yo you never see yo-yo's anymore. A lot of good fads should be brought back that's all i'm sayin.

Ok my blog seems to be getting more popular there are lots of people voting for the poll and i have a whole 4 more followers so thanks to you guys: hilary, jayden, chase and my dad . keep up the good work, it takes alot of willpower to be able to stand this much awesomeness at once.

I was babysittin the other night for some of the cutest kids I know. My little buddy Tater (not his real name) is the cutest little blonde cowboy i've ever met. and his older sister who's 6 i think and his cousin who is the nicest little boy i've ever met. It was pretty cool.

I ate lunch at Montana's today and it was good , I had the mild wings like usual. it was very tasty and i would recomend it for anyone who likes food or has a stomach. I'm guessing if you don't you have to be like some superhuman alien robot. or maybe just had an organ transplant but lets be realistic.
The best color ever has to be tangerine lime banana. if you mix it all together you sort of get a weird brown type color. but it's still pretty cool. colors are weird if you think about it like some a warm colors like red and some are cold like blue. and some are girly like pink and some are manly like, ok there isn't really a manly color maybe orange or brown. so thats' my segment called colors.
This has been Jt blogin and remember:
Signed JT

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Success, impressive achievement, especially the attainment of fame, wealth, or power. I've been having a pretty sweet week so far. I've had some impressive achievements attaining fame, power and ...... ok not much going on in the wealth area of things but you know how the economy is. I got voted vice pres of my 4-H club, sweet! my current mark in Math is 100% nice! and......ok still no wealth but that's ok.

You may have noticed a poll on the top right hand corner of this webpage. Who would win in a fight? Obviously flubber is in the lead because of its awesome dance skills and flubberiness. Plus its basicaly ninja jello so it can't be destroyed.

Blogging is one of my new favorite pastimes now so you might wan't to be a follower if you want to keep up. I'll give a shout out to Joel for being my first and only follower so far thanks Joel. To become a follower you just need to press the large Follow button on the right side of the page then I'm guessing it let's you know when I update my blog.

Thanksgiving was good, ate lots. Halloween is the next holiday coming up and so i'm pretty stoked i'm probably going to Flight Suit Up!! It's going to be pretty sweet.

I hope everyone had a good day at school and wasn't too confused because it was monday schedule not a wednesday ha ha ( it's funny because it's the same schedule)

Remember: Vote Flubber Stay Awesome and most important: Say No to plumping!

Signed JT

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Hey' This is JT talkin that's right I have decided to join the blogosphere, your welcome. There is only so much awesomeness you can keep bottled up, my solution is simple; blog about it. The secret to my success is "when i feel sad i just stop feeling sad and be awesome instead. True Story." -barney stinson

Thanksgiving is coming up and it is a time to be thankful so remember Be Thankful. Personaly I am thankful for somewhere to live, food and love. I am also thankful for awesomeness. What are you thankful for?

Since this is my first official blog I thought I'd kick it off with something cool. But since I couldn't think of anything I thought I'd just do this: YAY!! So there you have it the most awesome grand opening ever. I do realize that probably only 3 people are reading this right now I'd like to say thank you since you are wasting your valuable time reading something writen by someone with too much time on their hands. So Thank You.

It has been awesome blogging to you and I hope you continue to read JT's Blog.